Accessibility Statement

NTEU Chapter 161  Is committed to providing a website that can be accessed by all, including users with disabilities. NTEU Chapter 161 strives to maintain compliance with the World Wide Web’s Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines on our website, by:

  • Built our website using standard-compliant HTML and CSS
  • Ensured that images have alternative texts
  • High level of color contrast
  • Using appropriate heading levels
  • Consistent navigation across the website
  • Hierarchy with content structure using headings and labels where relevant, for users who use assistive technology/screen readers.

In addition, we have implemented a third party widget UserWay to provide additional levels of accessibility support.

Please note that Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are always growing and we will continue to comply with these ongoing changes.

If you would like to report any accessibility issues, please fill out the form below, and we will ensure to take action.